Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
test_pipe_avail.c File Reference
#include <ztest.h>
static ZTEST_DMEM unsigned char data [] = "abcdefgh"
 Tests for the Pipe read / write availability. More...
static struct k_pipe pipe
static struct k_pipe bufferless
static struct k_pipe bufferless1
void test_pipe_avail_no_buffer (void)
 Pipes with no buffer or size 0 should return 0 bytes available. More...
void test_pipe_avail_r_lt_w (void)
 Test available read / write space for r < w. More...
void test_pipe_avail_w_lt_r (void)
 Test available read / write space for w < r. More...
void test_pipe_avail_r_eq_w_empty (void)
 Test available read / write space for r == w and an empty buffer. More...
void test_pipe_avail_r_eq_w_full (void)
 Test available read / write space for r == w and a full buffer. More...