Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
virtual_interface_context Struct Reference

#include <virtual.h>

Data Fields

struct net_ififace
enum net_l2_flags virtual_l2_flags
bool is_init
struct net_linkaddr_storage lladdr

Detailed Description

Virtual L2 context that is needed to binding to the real network interface

Field Documentation

◆ iface

struct net_if* virtual_interface_context::iface

Other network interface this virtual network interface is attached to. These values can be chained so virtual network interfaces can run on top of other virtual interfaces.

◆ is_init

bool virtual_interface_context::is_init

Is this context already initialized

◆ lladdr

struct net_linkaddr_storage virtual_interface_context::lladdr

Link address for this network interface

◆ name

char virtual_interface_context::name[VIRTUAL_MAX_NAME_LEN]

User friendly name of this L2 layer.

◆ virtual_l2_flags

enum net_l2_flags virtual_interface_context::virtual_l2_flags

This tells what L2 features does virtual support.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: