Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
Virtual Network Interface Support Functions

Virtual network interface support functions. More...

Data Structures

struct  virtual_interface_api
struct  virtual_interface_context


#define NET_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_INIT(dev_name, drv_name, init_fn, pm_control_fn, data, cfg, prio, api, mtu)
 Create a virtual network interface. Binding to another interface is done at runtime by calling net_virtual_interface_attach(). The attaching is done automatically when setting up tunneling when peer IP address is set in IP tunneling driver. More...


enum  virtual_interface_caps { VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_IPIP = BIT(1) }


int net_virtual_interface_attach (struct net_if *virtual_iface, struct net_if *iface)
 Attach virtual network interface to the given network interface. More...
struct net_ifnet_virtual_get_iface (struct net_if *iface)
 Return network interface related to this virtual network interface. The returned network interface is below this virtual network interface. More...
char * net_virtual_get_name (struct net_if *iface, char *buf, size_t len)
 Return the name of the virtual network interface L2. More...
void net_virtual_set_name (struct net_if *iface, const char *name)
 Set the name of the virtual network interface L2. More...
enum net_l2_flags net_virtual_set_flags (struct net_if *iface, enum net_l2_flags flags)
 Set the L2 flags of the virtual network interface. More...
enum net_verdict net_virtual_input (struct net_if *input_iface, struct net_addr *remote_addr, struct net_pkt *pkt)
 Feed the IP pkt to stack if tunneling is enabled. More...

Detailed Description

Virtual network interface support functions.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NET_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_INIT (   dev_name,

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

drv_name, init_fn, pm_control_fn, \
data, cfg, prio, api, mtu)
Name for an invalid node identifier.
Definition: devicetree.h:76
static fdata_t data[2]
Definition: test_fifo_contexts.c:15

Create a virtual network interface. Binding to another interface is done at runtime by calling net_virtual_interface_attach(). The attaching is done automatically when setting up tunneling when peer IP address is set in IP tunneling driver.

dev_nameNetwork device name.
drv_nameThe name this instance of the driver exposes to the system.
init_fnAddress to the init function of the driver.
pm_control_fnPointer to pm_control function. Can be NULL if not implemented.
dataPointer to the device's private data.
cfgThe address to the structure containing the configuration information for this instance of the driver.
prioThe initialization level at which configuration occurs.
apiProvides an initial pointer to the API function struct used by the driver. Can be NULL.
mtuMaximum transfer unit in bytes for this network interface. This is the default value and its value can be tweaked at runtime.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ virtual_interface_caps

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

Virtual interface capabilities


IPIP tunnel

Function Documentation

◆ net_virtual_get_iface()

struct net_if * net_virtual_get_iface ( struct net_if iface)

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

Return network interface related to this virtual network interface. The returned network interface is below this virtual network interface.

ifaceVirtual network interface.
Network interface related to this virtual interface or NULL if no such interface exists.

◆ net_virtual_get_name()

char * net_virtual_get_name ( struct net_if iface,
char *  buf,
size_t  len 

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

Return the name of the virtual network interface L2.

ifaceVirtual network interface.
bufBuffer to store the name
lenMax buffer length
Name of the virtual network interface.

◆ net_virtual_input()

enum net_verdict net_virtual_input ( struct net_if input_iface,
struct net_addr *  remote_addr,
struct net_pkt pkt 

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

Feed the IP pkt to stack if tunneling is enabled.

input_ifaceNetwork interface receiving the pkt.
remote_addrIP address of the sender.
pktNetwork packet.
Verdict what to do with the packet.

◆ net_virtual_interface_attach()

int net_virtual_interface_attach ( struct net_if virtual_iface,
struct net_if iface 

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

Attach virtual network interface to the given network interface.

virtual_ifaceVirtual network interface.
ifaceNetwork interface we are attached to. This can be NULL, if we want to detach.
0 if ok, <0 if attaching failed

◆ net_virtual_set_flags()

enum net_l2_flags net_virtual_set_flags ( struct net_if iface,
enum net_l2_flags  flags 

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

Set the L2 flags of the virtual network interface.

ifaceVirtual network interface.
flagsL2 flags to set.
Previous flags that were set.

◆ net_virtual_set_name()

void net_virtual_set_name ( struct net_if iface,
const char *  name 

#include <include/net/virtual.h>

Set the name of the virtual network interface L2.

ifaceVirtual network interface.
nameName of the virtual L2 layer.