Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
counter_config_info Struct Reference

Structure with generic counter features. More...

#include <counter.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t max_top_value
uint32_t freq
uint8_t flags
uint8_t channels

Detailed Description

Structure with generic counter features.

max_top_valueMaximal (default) top value on which counter is reset (cleared or reloaded).
freqFrequency of the source clock if synchronous events are counted.
flagsFlags. See Counter device capabilities.
channelsNumber of channels that can be used for setting alarm, see counter_set_channel_alarm.

Field Documentation

◆ channels

uint8_t counter_config_info::channels

◆ flags

uint8_t counter_config_info::flags

◆ freq

uint32_t counter_config_info::freq

◆ max_top_value

uint32_t counter_config_info::max_top_value

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: