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SSD1306 128x64(/32) pixels generic shield


This is a generic shield for 128x64(/32) pixel resolution OLED displays based on SSD1306 controller. These displays have an I2C interface and usually only four pins: GND, VCC, SCL and SDA. Display pins can be connected to the pin header of a board using jumper wires.

Current supported displays


Controller / Driver

Shield Designation

No Name 128x64 pixel

SSD1306 / ssd1306


No Name 128x32 pixel

SSD1306 / ssd1306


No Name 128x64 pixel

SH1106 / ssd1306



This shield can only be used with a board which provides a configuration for Arduino connectors and defines a node alias for the I2C interface (see Shields for more details).


Set -DSHIELD=ssd1306_128x64 when you invoke west build. For example:

# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b frdm_k64f samples/subsys/display/lvgl -- -DSHIELD=ssd1306_128x64