This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of Zephyr. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Sensor Shell Module Sample


This is a simple shell module to get data from sensors presented in the system.

Building and Running

Build the sample app by choosing the target board that has sensors drivers enabled, for example:

cmake -DBOARD=reel_board
# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b None samples/subsys/shell/sensor_module
west build -t run

Shell Module Command Help

sensor - Sensor commands
        -h, --help  :Show command help.
        get            :<device_name> [chanel_idx]
        list           :List configured sensors
        list_channels  :<device_name>

list: lists all the initialized devices on the system.

Output example (reel_board):

uart:~$ sensor list
- clk_k32src
- clk_m16src
- UART_0
- GPIO_0
- GPIO_1
- I2C_0
- APDS9960
- MMA8652FC
- HDC1008

list_channels: lists the supported channels (index and name) for a given sensor device name.

Output example (reel_board):

uart:~$ sensor list_channels MMA8652FC
idx=0 name=accel_x
idx=1 name=accel_y
idx=2 name=accel_z
idx=3 name=accel_xyz


A valid sensor device name should be passed otherwise you will get an undefined behavior like hardware exception. This happens because the shell subsystem runs in supervisor mode where API callbacks are not checked before being called.

get: prints all the sensor channels data for a given sensor device name. Optionally, a single channel index can be passed to be printed out.

Output example (reel_board):

uart:~$ sensor get MMA8652FC
channel idx=0 accel_x =  -1.379061
channel idx=1 accel_y =   1.991975
channel idx=2 accel_z =  -9.576807
channel idx=3 accel_xyz =  -1.379061
channel idx=3 accel_xyz =   1.991975
channel idx=3 accel_xyz =  -9.576807


A valid sensor device name should be passed otherwise you will get an undefined behavior like hardware exception. This happens because the shell subsystem runs in supervisor mode where API callbacks are not checked before being called.