This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of Zephyr. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

aplay Sample Application


This sample shows how to use the API interface provided by Aplay to play audio. In this sample project, includes the firmware and topology file resources required for DSP operation (only supporrt PCM 16bits 16000 format).Developers can replace files according to project requirements. Hardware info: GIPOA04 -> Power amplifier enable LINE_LP/LINE_LN -> Audio output


The sample can be built as follows:

west build -b csk6002_9s_nano samples/boards/csk6/subsys/avf/audio/aplay
west flash

Sample Output

* Booting Zephyr OS build 30291d12373f * Prepare start play wav and get audio fmt < PCM,sample rate 48000 channels 1 bits 16 > Create aplay success Set audio fmt to aplay success Trigger play start success. Write play audio data compelete total size 303266 with timestamp 3417 ms play drain finsh with timestamp 3707 ms aplay run compelete and exit.