Single-linked List¶
Zephyr provides a sys_slist_t
type for storing simple
singly-linked list data (i.e. data where each list element stores a
pointer to the next element, but not the previous one). This supports
constant-time access to the first (head) and last (tail) elements of
the list, insertion before the head and after the tail of the list and
constant time removal of the head. Removal of subsequent nodes
requires access to the “previous” pointer and thus can only be
performed in linear time by searching the list.
The sys_slist_t
struct may be instantiated by the user in any
accessible memory. It should be initialized with either
or by static assignment from SYS_SLIST_STATIC_INIT
before use. Its interior fields are opaque and should not be accessed
by user code.
The end nodes of a list may be retrieved with
and sys_slist_peek_tail()
, which will
return NULL if the list is empty, otherwise a pointer to a
The sys_snode_t
struct represents the data to be inserted. In
general, it is expected to be allocated/controlled by the user,
usually embedded within a struct which is to be added to the list.
The container struct pointer may be retrieved from a list node using
, passing it the struct name of the
containing struct and the field name of the node. Internally, the
struct contains only a next pointer, which may be
accessed with sys_slist_peek_next()
Lists may be modified by adding a single node at the head or tail with
and sys_slist_append()
. They may also
have a node added to an interior point with sys_slist_insert()
which inserts a new node after an existing one. Similarly
will remove a node given a pointer to its
predecessor. These operations are all constant time.
Convenience routines exist for more complicated modifications to a
list. sys_slist_merge_slist()
will append an entire list to an
existing one. sys_slist_append_list()
will append a bounded
subset of an existing list in constant time. And
will search a list (in linear time)
for a given node and remove it if present.
Finally the slist implementation provides a set of “for each” macros
that allows for iterating over a list in a natural way without needing
to manually traverse the next pointers. SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE
will enumerate every node in a list given a local variable to store
the node pointer. SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE_SAFE
similarly, but has a more complicated implementation that requires an
extra scratch variable for storage and allows the user to delete the
iterated node during the iteration. Each of those macros also exists
in a “container” variant (SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER
) which assigns a local
variable of a type that matches the user’s container struct and not
the node struct, performing the required offsets internally. And
exists to allow for enumerating a
node and all its successors only, without inspecting the earlier part
of the list.
Single-linked List Internals¶
The slist code is designed to be minimal and conventional.
Internally, a sys_slist_t
struct is nothing more than a pair of
“head” and “tail” pointer fields. And a sys_snode_t
stores only a
single “next” pointer.

An slist containing three elements.¶

An empty slist¶
The specific implementation of the list code, however, is done with an internal “Z_GENLIST” template API which allows for extracting those fields from arbitrary structures and emits an arbitrarily named set of functions. This allows for implementing more complicated single-linked list variants using the same basic primitives. The genlist implementor is responsible for a custom implementation of the primitive operations only: an “init” step for each struct, and a “get” and “set” primitives for each of head, tail and next pointers on their relevant structs. These inline functions are passed as parameters to the genlist macro expansion.
Only one such variant, sflist, exists in Zephyr at the moment.
Flagged List¶
The sys_sflist_t
is implemented using the described genlist
template API. With the exception of symbol naming (“sflist” instead
of “slist”) and the additional API described next, it operates in all
ways identically to the slist API.
It adds the ability to associate exactly two bits of user defined
“flags” with each list node. These can be accessed and modified with
and sys_sfnode_flags_get()
Internally, the flags are stored unioned with the bottom bits of the
next pointer and incur no SRAM storage overhead when compared with the
simpler slist code.
Single-linked List API Reference¶
(__sl, __sn)¶ Provide the primitive to iterate on a list Note: the loop is unsafe and thus __sn should not be removed.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
This and other SYS_SLIST_*() macros are not thread safe.SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE(l, n) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_slist_t to iterate on
__sn – A sys_snode_t pointer to peek each node of the list
(__sl, __sn)¶ Provide the primitive to iterate on a list, from a node in the list Note: the loop is unsafe and thus __sn should not be removed.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
Like SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE(), but __dn already contains a node in the list where to start searching for the next entry from. If NULL, it starts from the head.SYS_SLIST_ITERATE_FROM_NODE(l, n) { <user code> }
This and other SYS_SLIST_*() macros are not thread safe.
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_slist_t to iterate on
__sn – A sys_snode_t pointer to peek each node of the list it contains the starting node, or NULL to start from the head
(__sl, __sn, __sns)¶ Provide the primitive to safely iterate on a list Note: __sn can be removed, it will not break the loop.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
This and other SYS_SLIST_*() macros are not thread safe.SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE_SAFE(l, n, s) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_slist_t to iterate on
__sn – A sys_snode_t pointer to peek each node of the list
__sns – A sys_snode_t pointer for the loop to run safely
(__ln, __cn, __n)¶
(__sl, __cn, __n)¶
(__sl, __cn, __n)¶
(__cn, __n)¶
(__sl, __cn, __n)¶ Provide the primitive to iterate on a list under a container Note: the loop is unsafe and thus __cn should not be detached.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(l, c, n) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_slist_t to iterate on
__cn – A pointer to peek each entry of the list
__n – The field name of sys_node_t within the container struct
(__sl, __cn, __cns, __n)¶ Provide the primitive to safely iterate on a list under a container Note: __cn can be detached, it will not break the loop.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE_SAFE(l, c, cn, n) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_slist_t to iterate on
__cn – A pointer to peek each entry of the list
__cns – A pointer for the loop to run safely
__n – The field name of sys_node_t within the container struct
static inline void
(sys_slist_t *list)¶ Initialize a list.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to initialize
static inline sys_snode_t *
(sys_slist_t *list)¶ Peek the first node from the list.
- Parameters
list – A point on the list to peek the first node from
- Returns
A pointer on the first node of the list (or NULL if none)
static inline sys_snode_t *
(sys_slist_t *list)¶ Peek the last node from the list.
- Parameters
list – A point on the list to peek the last node from
- Returns
A pointer on the last node of the list (or NULL if none)
static inline bool
(sys_slist_t *list)¶ Test if the given list is empty.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to test
- Returns
a boolean, true if it’s empty, false otherwise
static inline sys_snode_t *
(sys_snode_t *node)¶ Peek the next node from current node, node is not NULL.
Faster then sys_slist_peek_next() if node is known not to be NULL.
- Parameters
node – A pointer on the node where to peek the next node
- Returns
a pointer on the next node (or NULL if none)
static inline sys_snode_t *
(sys_snode_t *node)¶ Peek the next node from current node.
- Parameters
node – A pointer on the node where to peek the next node
- Returns
a pointer on the next node (or NULL if none)
static inline void
(sys_slist_t *list, sys_snode_t *node)¶ Prepend a node to the given list.
This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
node – A pointer on the node to prepend
static inline void
(sys_slist_t *list, sys_snode_t *node)¶ Append a node to the given list.
This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
node – A pointer on the node to append
static inline void
(sys_slist_t *list, void *head, void *tail)¶ Append a list to the given list.
Append a singly-linked, NULL-terminated list consisting of nodes containing the pointer to the next node as the first element of a node, to list. This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
FIXME: Why are the element parameters void *?
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
head – A pointer to the first element of the list to append
tail – A pointer to the last element of the list to append
static inline void
(sys_slist_t *list, sys_slist_t *list_to_append)¶ merge two slists, appending the second one to the first
When the operation is completed, the appending list is empty. This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
list_to_append – A pointer to the list to append.
static inline void
(sys_slist_t *list, sys_snode_t *prev, sys_snode_t *node)¶ Insert a node to the given list.
This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
prev – A pointer on the previous node
node – A pointer on the node to insert
static inline sys_snode_t *
(sys_slist_t *list)¶ Fetch and remove the first node of the given list.
List must be known to be non-empty. This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
- Returns
A pointer to the first node of the list
static inline sys_snode_t *
(sys_slist_t *list)¶ Fetch and remove the first node of the given list.
This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
- Returns
A pointer to the first node of the list (or NULL if empty)
static inline void
(sys_slist_t *list, sys_snode_t *prev_node, sys_snode_t *node)¶ Remove a node.
This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
prev_node – A pointer on the previous node (can be NULL, which means the node is the list’s head)
node – A pointer on the node to remove
static inline bool
(sys_slist_t *list, sys_snode_t *node)¶ Find and remove a node from a list.
This and other sys_slist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
node – A pointer on the node to remove from the list
- Returns
true if node was removed
Flagged List API Reference¶
(__sl, __sn)¶ Provide the primitive to iterate on a list Note: the loop is unsafe and thus __sn should not be removed.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
This and other SYS_SFLIST_*() macros are not thread safe.SYS_SFLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE(l, n) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_sflist_t to iterate on
__sn – A sys_sfnode_t pointer to peek each node of the list
(__sl, __sn)¶ Provide the primitive to iterate on a list, from a node in the list Note: the loop is unsafe and thus __sn should not be removed.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
Like SYS_SFLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE(), but __dn already contains a node in the list where to start searching for the next entry from. If NULL, it starts from the head.SYS_SFLIST_ITERATE_FROM_NODE(l, n) { <user code> }
This and other SYS_SFLIST_*() macros are not thread safe.
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_sflist_t to iterate on
__sn – A sys_sfnode_t pointer to peek each node of the list it contains the starting node, or NULL to start from the head
(__sl, __sn, __sns)¶ Provide the primitive to safely iterate on a list Note: __sn can be removed, it will not break the loop.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
This and other SYS_SFLIST_*() macros are not thread safe.SYS_SFLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE_SAFE(l, n, s) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_sflist_t to iterate on
__sn – A sys_sfnode_t pointer to peek each node of the list
__sns – A sys_sfnode_t pointer for the loop to run safely
(__ln, __cn, __n)¶
(__sl, __cn, __n)¶
(__sl, __cn, __n)¶
(__cn, __n)¶
(__sl, __cn, __n)¶ Provide the primitive to iterate on a list under a container Note: the loop is unsafe and thus __cn should not be detached.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
SYS_SFLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(l, c, n) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_sflist_t to iterate on
__cn – A pointer to peek each entry of the list
__n – The field name of sys_sfnode_t within the container struct
(__sl, __cn, __cns, __n)¶ Provide the primitive to safely iterate on a list under a container Note: __cn can be detached, it will not break the loop.
User MUST add the loop statement curly braces enclosing its own code:
SYS_SFLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE_SAFE(l, c, cn, n) { <user code> }
- Parameters
__sl – A pointer on a sys_sflist_t to iterate on
__cn – A pointer to peek each entry of the list
__cns – A pointer for the loop to run safely
__n – The field name of sys_sfnode_t within the container struct
static inline void
(sys_sflist_t *list)¶ Initialize a list.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to initialize
static inline uint8_t
(sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Fetch flags value for a particular sfnode.
- Parameters
node – A pointer to the node to fetch flags from
- Returns
The value of flags, which will be between 0 and 3
static inline sys_sfnode_t *
(sys_sflist_t *list)¶ Peek the first node from the list.
- Parameters
list – A point on the list to peek the first node from
- Returns
A pointer on the first node of the list (or NULL if none)
static inline sys_sfnode_t *
(sys_sflist_t *list)¶ Peek the last node from the list.
- Parameters
list – A point on the list to peek the last node from
- Returns
A pointer on the last node of the list (or NULL if none)
static inline void
(sys_sfnode_t *node, uint8_t flags)¶ Initialize an sflist node.
Set an initial flags value for this slist node, which can be a value between 0 and 3. These flags will persist even if the node is moved around within a list, removed, or transplanted to a different slist.
This is ever so slightly faster than sys_sfnode_flags_set() and should only be used on a node that hasn’t been added to any list.
- Parameters
node – A pointer to the node to set the flags on
flags – A value between 0 and 3 to set the flags value
static inline void
(sys_sfnode_t *node, uint8_t flags)¶ Set flags value for an sflist node.
Set a flags value for this slist node, which can be a value between 0 and 3. These flags will persist even if the node is moved around within a list, removed, or transplanted to a different slist.
- Parameters
node – A pointer to the node to set the flags on
flags – A value between 0 and 3 to set the flags value
static inline bool
(sys_sflist_t *list)¶ Test if the given list is empty.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to test
- Returns
a boolean, true if it’s empty, false otherwise
static inline sys_sfnode_t *
(sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Peek the next node from current node, node is not NULL.
Faster then sys_sflist_peek_next() if node is known not to be NULL.
- Parameters
node – A pointer on the node where to peek the next node
- Returns
a pointer on the next node (or NULL if none)
static inline sys_sfnode_t *
(sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Peek the next node from current node.
- Parameters
node – A pointer on the node where to peek the next node
- Returns
a pointer on the next node (or NULL if none)
static inline void
(sys_sflist_t *list, sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Prepend a node to the given list.
This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
node – A pointer on the node to prepend
static inline void
(sys_sflist_t *list, sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Append a node to the given list.
This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
node – A pointer on the node to append
static inline void
(sys_sflist_t *list, void *head, void *tail)¶ Append a list to the given list.
Append a singly-linked, NULL-terminated list consisting of nodes containing the pointer to the next node as the first element of a node, to list. This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
FIXME: Why are the element parameters void *?
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
head – A pointer to the first element of the list to append
tail – A pointer to the last element of the list to append
static inline void
(sys_sflist_t *list, sys_sflist_t *list_to_append)¶ merge two sflists, appending the second one to the first
When the operation is completed, the appending list is empty. This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
list_to_append – A pointer to the list to append.
static inline void
(sys_sflist_t *list, sys_sfnode_t *prev, sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Insert a node to the given list.
This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
prev – A pointer on the previous node
node – A pointer on the node to insert
static inline sys_sfnode_t *
(sys_sflist_t *list)¶ Fetch and remove the first node of the given list.
List must be known to be non-empty. This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
- Returns
A pointer to the first node of the list
static inline sys_sfnode_t *
(sys_sflist_t *list)¶ Fetch and remove the first node of the given list.
This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
- Returns
A pointer to the first node of the list (or NULL if empty)
static inline void
(sys_sflist_t *list, sys_sfnode_t *prev_node, sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Remove a node.
This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
prev_node – A pointer on the previous node (can be NULL, which means the node is the list’s head)
node – A pointer on the node to remove
static inline bool
(sys_sflist_t *list, sys_sfnode_t *node)¶ Find and remove a node from a list.
This and other sys_sflist_*() functions are not thread safe.
- Parameters
list – A pointer on the list to affect
node – A pointer on the node to remove from the list
- Returns
true if node was removed