Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
vector_desc_t Struct Reference

#include <intc_esp32.h>

Data Fields

int flags: 16
unsigned int cpu: 1
unsigned int intno: 5
int source: 8
struct shared_vector_desc_tshared_vec_info
struct vector_desc_tnext

Field Documentation

◆ cpu

unsigned int vector_desc_t::cpu

◆ flags

int vector_desc_t::flags

◆ intno

unsigned int vector_desc_t::intno

◆ next

struct vector_desc_t* vector_desc_t::next

◆ shared_vec_info

struct shared_vector_desc_t* vector_desc_t::shared_vec_info

◆ source

int vector_desc_t::source

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: