Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
uart_device_config Struct Reference

UART device configuration. More...

#include <uart.h>

Data Fields

union {
   uint32_t   port
   uint8_t *   base
   uint32_t   regs
uint32_t sys_clk_freq
uart_irq_config_func_t irq_config_func

Detailed Description

UART device configuration.

portBase port number
baseMemory mapped base address
regsRegister address
sys_clk_freqSystem clock frequency in Hz

Field Documentation


union { ... } uart_device_config::@107

◆ base

uint8_t* uart_device_config::base

◆ irq_config_func

uart_irq_config_func_t uart_device_config::irq_config_func

◆ port

uint32_t uart_device_config::port

◆ regs

uint32_t uart_device_config::regs

◆ sys_clk_freq

uint32_t uart_device_config::sys_clk_freq

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: