Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
osdp_cmd_led Struct Reference

Sent from CP to PD to control the behaviour of it's on-board LEDs. More...

#include <osdp.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t reader
uint8_t led_number
struct osdp_cmd_led_params temporary
struct osdp_cmd_led_params permanent

Detailed Description

Sent from CP to PD to control the behaviour of it's on-board LEDs.

reader0 = First Reader, 1 = Second Reader, etc.
led_number0 = first LED, 1 = second LED, etc.
temporaryephemeral LED status descriptor
permanentpermanent LED status descriptor

Field Documentation

◆ led_number

uint8_t osdp_cmd_led::led_number

◆ permanent

struct osdp_cmd_led_params osdp_cmd_led::permanent

◆ reader

uint8_t osdp_cmd_led::reader

◆ temporary

struct osdp_cmd_led_params osdp_cmd_led::temporary

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: