Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
osdp_cmd_comset Struct Reference

Sent in response to a COMSET command. Set communication parameters to PD. Must be stored in PD non-volatile memory. More...

#include <osdp.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t address
uint32_t baud_rate

Detailed Description

Sent in response to a COMSET command. Set communication parameters to PD. Must be stored in PD non-volatile memory.

addressUnit ID to which this PD will respond after the change takes effect.
baud_ratebaud rate value 9600/38400/115200

Field Documentation

◆ address

uint8_t osdp_cmd_comset::address

◆ baud_rate

uint32_t osdp_cmd_comset::baud_rate

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