Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
osdp_cmd_buzzer Struct Reference

Sent from CP to control the behaviour of a buzzer in the PD. More...

#include <osdp.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t reader
uint8_t control_code
uint8_t on_count
uint8_t off_count
uint8_t rep_count

Detailed Description

Sent from CP to control the behaviour of a buzzer in the PD.

reader0 = First Reader, 1 = Second Reader, etc.
control_code0: no tone, 1: off, 2: default tone, 3+ is TBD.
on_countThe ON duration of the flash, in units of 100 ms
off_countThe OFF duration of the flash, in units of 100 ms
rep_countThe number of times to repeat the ON/OFF cycle; 0: forever

Field Documentation

◆ control_code

uint8_t osdp_cmd_buzzer::control_code

◆ off_count

uint8_t osdp_cmd_buzzer::off_count

◆ on_count

uint8_t osdp_cmd_buzzer::on_count

◆ reader

uint8_t osdp_cmd_buzzer::reader

◆ rep_count

uint8_t osdp_cmd_buzzer::rep_count

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: