Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
net_buf_pool Struct Reference

Network buffer pool representation. More...

#include <buf.h>

Data Fields

struct k_lifo free
const uint16_t buf_count
uint16_t uninit_count
void(*const destroy )(struct net_buf *buf)
const struct net_buf_data_allocalloc

Detailed Description

Network buffer pool representation.

This struct is used to represent a pool of network buffers.

Field Documentation

◆ alloc

const struct net_buf_data_alloc* net_buf_pool::alloc

Data allocation handlers.

◆ buf_count

const uint16_t net_buf_pool::buf_count

Number of buffers in pool

◆ destroy

void(*const net_buf_pool::destroy) (struct net_buf *buf)

Optional destroy callback when buffer is freed.

◆ free

struct k_lifo net_buf_pool::free

LIFO to place the buffer into when free

◆ uninit_count

uint16_t net_buf_pool::uninit_count

Number of uninitialized buffers

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: