Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
ethernet_api Struct Reference

#include <ethernet.h>

Data Fields

struct net_if_api iface_api
int(* start )(const struct device *dev)
int(* stop )(const struct device *dev)
enum ethernet_hw_caps(* get_capabilities )(const struct device *dev)
int(* set_config )(const struct device *dev, enum ethernet_config_type type, const struct ethernet_config *config)
int(* get_config )(const struct device *dev, enum ethernet_config_type type, struct ethernet_config *config)
int(* send )(const struct device *dev, struct net_pkt *pkt)

Field Documentation

◆ get_capabilities

enum ethernet_hw_caps(* ethernet_api::get_capabilities) (const struct device *dev)

Get the device capabilities

◆ get_config

int(* ethernet_api::get_config) (const struct device *dev, enum ethernet_config_type type, struct ethernet_config *config)

Get hardware specific configuration

◆ iface_api

struct net_if_api ethernet_api::iface_api

The net_if_api must be placed in first position in this struct so that we are compatible with network interface API.

◆ send

int(* ethernet_api::send) (const struct device *dev, struct net_pkt *pkt)

Send a network packet

◆ set_config

int(* ethernet_api::set_config) (const struct device *dev, enum ethernet_config_type type, const struct ethernet_config *config)

Set specific hardware configuration

◆ start

int(* ethernet_api::start) (const struct device *dev)

Start the device

◆ stop

int(* ethernet_api::stop) (const struct device *dev)

Stop the device

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: