Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
bt_mesh_msg_ack_ctx Struct Reference

#include <msg.h>

Data Fields

struct k_sem sem
uint32_t op
uint16_t dst

Detailed Description

Acknowledged message context for tracking the status of model messages pending a response.

Field Documentation

◆ dst

uint16_t bt_mesh_msg_ack_ctx::dst

Address of the node that should respond.

◆ op

uint32_t bt_mesh_msg_ack_ctx::op

Opcode we're waiting for.

◆ sem

struct k_sem bt_mesh_msg_ack_ctx::sem

Sync semaphore.

◆ user_data

void* bt_mesh_msg_ack_ctx::user_data

User specific parameter.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: