Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
bt_gatt_read_params Struct Reference

GATT Read parameters. More...

#include <gatt.h>

Data Fields

bt_gatt_read_func_t func
size_t handle_count
union {
   struct {
      uint16_t   handle
      uint16_t   offset
   }   single
   struct {
      uint16_t *   handles
      bool   variable
   }   multiple
   struct {
      uint16_t   start_handle
      uint16_t   end_handle
      const struct bt_uuid *   uuid
   }   by_uuid

Detailed Description

GATT Read parameters.

Field Documentation


union { ... } bt_gatt_read_params::@67


struct { ... } bt_gatt_read_params::by_uuid

◆ end_handle

uint16_t bt_gatt_read_params::end_handle

Last requested handle number.

◆ func

bt_gatt_read_func_t bt_gatt_read_params::func

Read attribute callback.

◆ handle

uint16_t bt_gatt_read_params::handle

Attribute handle.

◆ handle_count

size_t bt_gatt_read_params::handle_count

If equals to 1 single.handle and single.offset are used. If greater than 1 multiple.handles are used. If equals to 0 by_uuid is used for Read Using Characteristic UUID.

◆ handles

uint16_t* bt_gatt_read_params::handles

Attribute handles to read with Read Multiple Characteristic Values.


struct { ... } bt_gatt_read_params::multiple

◆ offset

uint16_t bt_gatt_read_params::offset

Attribute data offset.


struct { ... } bt_gatt_read_params::single

◆ start_handle

uint16_t bt_gatt_read_params::start_handle

First requested handle number.

◆ uuid

const struct bt_uuid* bt_gatt_read_params::uuid

2 or 16 octet UUID.

◆ variable

bool bt_gatt_read_params::variable

If true use Read Multiple Variable Length Characteristic Values procedure. The values of the set of attributes may be of variable or unknown length. If false use Read Multiple Characteristic Values procedure. The values of the set of attributes must be of a known fixed length, with the exception of the last value that can have a variable length.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: