Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
bt_conn_remote_info Struct Reference

Connection Remote Info Structure. More...

#include <conn.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t type
uint8_t version
uint16_t manufacturer
uint16_t subversion
union {
   struct bt_conn_le_remote_info   le
   struct bt_conn_br_remote_info   br

Detailed Description

Connection Remote Info Structure.

The version, manufacturer and subversion fields will only contain valid data if
embed:rst:inline :kconfig:`CONFIG_BT_REMOTE_VERSION` 
is enabled.

Field Documentation


union { ... } bt_conn_remote_info::@47

◆ br

struct bt_conn_br_remote_info bt_conn_remote_info::br

BR/EDR connection remote info

◆ le

struct bt_conn_le_remote_info bt_conn_remote_info::le

LE connection remote info

◆ manufacturer

uint16_t bt_conn_remote_info::manufacturer

Remote manufacturer identifier

◆ subversion

uint16_t bt_conn_remote_info::subversion

Per-manufacturer unique revision

◆ type

uint8_t bt_conn_remote_info::type

Connection Type

◆ version

uint8_t bt_conn_remote_info::version

Remote Link Layer version

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: