Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
Stack APIs


#define K_STACK_DEFINE(name, stack_num_entries)
 Statically define and initialize a stack. More...


void k_stack_init (struct k_stack *stack, stack_data_t *buffer, uint32_t num_entries)
 Initialize a stack. More...
int32_t k_stack_alloc_init (struct k_stack *stack, uint32_t num_entries)
 Initialize a stack. More...
int k_stack_cleanup (struct k_stack *stack)
 Release a stack's allocated buffer. More...
int k_stack_push (struct k_stack *stack, stack_data_t data)
 Push an element onto a stack. More...
int k_stack_pop (struct k_stack *stack, stack_data_t *data, k_timeout_t timeout)
 Pop an element from a stack. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define K_STACK_DEFINE (   name,

#include <include/kernel.h>

stack_data_t __noinit \
_k_stack_buf_##name[stack_num_entries]; \
STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(k_stack, name) = \
Z_STACK_INITIALIZER(name, _k_stack_buf_##name, \

Statically define and initialize a stack.

The stack can be accessed outside the module where it is defined using:

extern struct k_stack <name>;
nameName of the stack.
stack_num_entriesMaximum number of values that can be stacked.

Function Documentation

◆ k_stack_alloc_init()

int32_t k_stack_alloc_init ( struct k_stack *  stack,
uint32_t  num_entries 

#include <include/kernel.h>

Initialize a stack.

This routine initializes a stack object, prior to its first use. Internal buffers will be allocated from the calling thread's resource pool. This memory will be released if k_stack_cleanup() is called, or userspace is enabled and the stack object loses all references to it.

stackAddress of the stack.
num_entriesMaximum number of values that can be stacked.
-ENOMEM if memory couldn't be allocated

◆ k_stack_cleanup()

int k_stack_cleanup ( struct k_stack *  stack)

#include <include/kernel.h>

Release a stack's allocated buffer.

If a stack object was given a dynamically allocated buffer via k_stack_alloc_init(), this will free it. This function does nothing if the buffer wasn't dynamically allocated.

stackAddress of the stack.
Return values
0on success
-EAGAINwhen object is still in use

◆ k_stack_init()

void k_stack_init ( struct k_stack *  stack,
stack_data_t *  buffer,
uint32_t  num_entries 

#include <include/kernel.h>

Initialize a stack.

This routine initializes a stack object, prior to its first use.

stackAddress of the stack.
bufferAddress of array used to hold stacked values.
num_entriesMaximum number of values that can be stacked.

◆ k_stack_pop()

int k_stack_pop ( struct k_stack *  stack,
stack_data_t *  data,
k_timeout_t  timeout 

#include <include/kernel.h>

Pop an element from a stack.

This routine removes a stack_data_t value from stack in a "last in, first out" manner and stores the value in data.

timeout must be set to K_NO_WAIT if called from ISR.
Function properties (list may not be complete)
stackAddress of the stack.
dataAddress of area to hold the value popped from the stack.
timeoutWaiting period to obtain a value, or one of the special values K_NO_WAIT and K_FOREVER.
Return values
0Element popped from stack.
-EBUSYReturned without waiting.
-EAGAINWaiting period timed out.

◆ k_stack_push()

int k_stack_push ( struct k_stack *  stack,
stack_data_t  data 

#include <include/kernel.h>

Push an element onto a stack.

This routine adds a stack_data_t value data to stack.

Function properties (list may not be complete)
stackAddress of the stack.
dataValue to push onto the stack.
Return values
0on success
-ENOMEMif stack is full