Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
Socket options for TLS


#define TLS_SEC_TAG_LIST   1
#define TLS_HOSTNAME   2
#define TLS_PEER_VERIFY   5
#define TLS_DTLS_ROLE   6
#define TLS_ALPN_LIST   7

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define TLS_ALPN_LIST   7

#include <include/net/socket.h>

Socket option for setting the supported Application Layer Protocols. It accepts and returns a const char array of NULL terminated strings representing the supported application layer protocols listed during the TLS handshake.



#include <include/net/socket.h>

Socket option to select ciphersuites to use. It accepts and returns an array of integers with IANA assigned ciphersuite identifiers. If not set, socket will allow all ciphersuites available in the system (mebdTLS default behavior).



#include <include/net/socket.h>

Read-only socket option to read a ciphersuite chosen during TLS handshake. It returns an integer containing an IANA assigned ciphersuite identifier of chosen ciphersuite.





#include <include/net/socket.h>

Socket option to set DTLS handshake timeout. The timeout starts at min, and upon retransmission the timeout is doubled util max is reached. Min and max arguments are separate options. The time unit is ms.


#define TLS_DTLS_ROLE   6

#include <include/net/socket.h>

Write-only socket option to set role for DTLS connection. This option is irrelevant for TLS connections, as for them role is selected based on connect()/listen() usage. By default, DTLS will assume client role. This option accepts an integer with a TLS role, compatible with mbedTLS values:

  • 0 - client
  • 1 - server


#define TLS_HOSTNAME   2

#include <include/net/socket.h>

Write-only socket option to set hostname. It accepts a string containing the hostname (may be NULL to disable hostname verification). By default, hostname check is enforced for TLS clients.


#define TLS_PEER_VERIFY   5

#include <include/net/socket.h>

Write-only socket option to set peer verification level for TLS connection. This option accepts an integer with a peer verification level, compatible with mbedTLS values:

  • 0 - none
  • 1 - optional
  • 2 - required

If not set, socket will use mbedTLS defaults (none for servers, required for clients).


#define TLS_SEC_TAG_LIST   1

#include <include/net/socket.h>

Socket option to select TLS credentials to use. It accepts and returns an array of sec_tag_t that indicate which TLS credentials should be used with specific socket.