Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
Demand Paging APIs


int k_mem_page_out (void *addr, size_t size)
void k_mem_page_in (void *addr, size_t size)
void k_mem_pin (void *addr, size_t size)
void k_mem_unpin (void *addr, size_t size)
void k_mem_paging_stats_get (struct k_mem_paging_stats_t *stats)
void k_mem_paging_thread_stats_get (struct k_thread *thread, struct k_mem_paging_stats_t *stats)
void k_mem_paging_histogram_eviction_get (struct k_mem_paging_histogram_t *hist)
void k_mem_paging_histogram_backing_store_page_in_get (struct k_mem_paging_histogram_t *hist)
void k_mem_paging_histogram_backing_store_page_out_get (struct k_mem_paging_histogram_t *hist)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ k_mem_page_in()

void k_mem_page_in ( void addr,
size_t  size 

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Load a virtual data region into memory

After the function completes, all the page frames associated with this function will be paged in. However, they are not guaranteed to stay there. This is useful if the region is known to be used soon.

If CONFIG_DEMAND_PAGING_ALLOW_IRQ is enabled, this function may not be called by ISRs as the backing store may be in-use.

addrBase page-aligned virtual address
sizePage-aligned data region size

◆ k_mem_page_out()

int k_mem_page_out ( void addr,
size_t  size 

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Evict a page-aligned virtual memory region to the backing store

Useful if it is known that a memory region will not be used for some time. All the data pages within the specified region will be evicted to the backing store if they weren't already, with their associated page frames marked as available for mappings or page-ins.

None of the associated page frames mapped to the provided region should be pinned.

Note that there are no guarantees how long these pages will be evicted, they could take page faults immediately.

If CONFIG_DEMAND_PAGING_ALLOW_IRQ is enabled, this function may not be called by ISRs as the backing store may be in-use.

addrBase page-aligned virtual address
sizePage-aligned data region size
Return values
-ENOMEMInsufficient space in backing store to satisfy request. The region may be partially paged out.

◆ k_mem_paging_histogram_backing_store_page_in_get()

void k_mem_paging_histogram_backing_store_page_in_get ( struct k_mem_paging_histogram_t hist)

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Get the backing store page-in timing histogram

This populates the timing histogram struct being passed in as argument.

[in,out]histTiming histogram struct to be filled.

◆ k_mem_paging_histogram_backing_store_page_out_get()

void k_mem_paging_histogram_backing_store_page_out_get ( struct k_mem_paging_histogram_t hist)

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Get the backing store page-out timing histogram

This populates the timing histogram struct being passed in as argument.

[in,out]histTiming histogram struct to be filled.

◆ k_mem_paging_histogram_eviction_get()

void k_mem_paging_histogram_eviction_get ( struct k_mem_paging_histogram_t hist)

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Get the eviction timing histogram

This populates the timing histogram struct being passed in as argument.

[in,out]histTiming histogram struct to be filled.

◆ k_mem_paging_stats_get()

void k_mem_paging_stats_get ( struct k_mem_paging_stats_t stats)

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Get the paging statistics since system startup

This populates the paging statistics struct being passed in as argument.

[in,out]statsPaging statistics struct to be filled.

◆ k_mem_paging_thread_stats_get()

void k_mem_paging_thread_stats_get ( struct k_thread thread,
struct k_mem_paging_stats_t stats 

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Get the paging statistics since system startup for a thread

This populates the paging statistics struct being passed in as argument for a particular thread.

[in,out]statsPaging statistics struct to be filled.

◆ k_mem_pin()

void k_mem_pin ( void addr,
size_t  size 

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Pin an aligned virtual data region, paging in as necessary

After the function completes, all the page frames associated with this region will be resident in memory and pinned such that they stay that way. This is a stronger version of z_mem_page_in().

If CONFIG_DEMAND_PAGING_ALLOW_IRQ is enabled, this function may not be called by ISRs as the backing store may be in-use.

addrBase page-aligned virtual address
sizePage-aligned data region size

◆ k_mem_unpin()

void k_mem_unpin ( void addr,
size_t  size 

#include <include/sys/mem_manage.h>

Un-pin an aligned virtual data region

After the function completes, all the page frames associated with this region will be no longer marked as pinned. This does not evict the region, follow this with z_mem_page_out() if you need that.

addrBase page-aligned virtual address
sizePage-aligned data region size