Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
File System APIs

File System APIs. More...

Data Structures

struct  fs_mount_t
 File system mount info structure. More...
struct  fs_dirent
 Structure to receive file or directory information. More...
struct  fs_statvfs
 Structure to receive volume statistics. More...
struct  fs_file_t
 File object representing an open file. More...
struct  fs_dir_t
 Directory object representing an open directory. More...
struct  fs_file_system_t
 File System interface structure. More...


#define FS_FSTAB_ENTRY(node_id)   _CONCAT(z_fsmp_, node_id)
 The name under which a zephyr,fstab entry mount structure is defined. More...
#define FS_FSTAB_DECLARE_ENTRY(node_id)    extern struct fs_mount_t FS_FSTAB_ENTRY(node_id)
 Generate a declaration for the externally defined fstab entry. More...


enum  fs_dir_entry_type { FS_DIR_ENTRY_FILE = 0 , FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR }
 Enumeration to uniquely identify file system types. More...


static void fs_file_t_init (struct fs_file_t *zfp)
 Initialize fs_file_t object. More...
static void fs_dir_t_init (struct fs_dir_t *zdp)
 Initialize fs_dir_t object. More...
int fs_open (struct fs_file_t *zfp, const char *file_name, fs_mode_t flags)
 Open or create file. More...
int fs_close (struct fs_file_t *zfp)
 Close file. More...
int fs_unlink (const char *path)
 Unlink file. More...
int fs_rename (const char *from, const char *to)
 Rename file or directory. More...
ssize_t fs_read (struct fs_file_t *zfp, void *ptr, size_t size)
 Read file. More...
ssize_t fs_write (struct fs_file_t *zfp, const void *ptr, size_t size)
 Write file. More...
int fs_seek (struct fs_file_t *zfp, off_t offset, int whence)
 Seek file. More...
off_t fs_tell (struct fs_file_t *zfp)
 Get current file position. More...
int fs_truncate (struct fs_file_t *zfp, off_t length)
 Truncate or extend an open file to a given size. More...
int fs_sync (struct fs_file_t *zfp)
 Flush cached write data buffers of an open file. More...
int fs_mkdir (const char *path)
 Directory create. More...
int fs_opendir (struct fs_dir_t *zdp, const char *path)
 Directory open. More...
int fs_readdir (struct fs_dir_t *zdp, struct fs_dirent *entry)
 Directory read entry. More...
int fs_closedir (struct fs_dir_t *zdp)
 Directory close. More...
int fs_mount (struct fs_mount_t *mp)
 Mount filesystem. More...
int fs_unmount (struct fs_mount_t *mp)
 Unmount filesystem. More...
int fs_readmount (int *index, const char **name)
 Get path of mount point at index. More...
int fs_stat (const char *path, struct fs_dirent *entry)
 File or directory status. More...
int fs_statvfs (const char *path, struct fs_statvfs *stat)
 Retrieves statistics of the file system volume. More...
int fs_register (int type, const struct fs_file_system_t *fs)
 Register a file system. More...
int fs_unregister (int type, const struct fs_file_system_t *fs)
 Unregister a file system. More...

fs_open open and creation mode flags

#define FS_O_READ   0x01
#define FS_O_WRITE   0x02
#define FS_O_RDWR   (FS_O_READ | FS_O_WRITE)
#define FS_O_MODE_MASK   0x03
#define FS_O_CREATE   0x10
#define FS_O_APPEND   0x20
#define FS_O_FLAGS_MASK   0x30

fs_seek whence parameter values

#define FS_SEEK_SET   0
#define FS_SEEK_CUR   1
#define FS_SEEK_END   2

Detailed Description

File System APIs.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FS_FSTAB_DECLARE_ENTRY (   node_id)     extern struct fs_mount_t FS_FSTAB_ENTRY(node_id)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Generate a declaration for the externally defined fstab entry.

This will evaluate to the name of a struct fs_mount_t object.


#define FS_FSTAB_ENTRY (   node_id)    _CONCAT(z_fsmp_, node_id)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

The name under which a zephyr,fstab entry mount structure is defined.



#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Flag used in pre-defined mount structures that are to be mounted on startup.

This flag has no impact in user-defined mount structures.



#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Flag prevents formatting device if requested file system not found



#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Flag makes mounted file system read-only


#define FS_O_APPEND   0x20

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Open/create file for append


#define FS_O_CREATE   0x10

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Create file if it does not exist


#define FS_O_FLAGS_MASK   0x30

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Bitmask for open/create flags



#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Bitmask for open flags


#define FS_O_MODE_MASK   0x03

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Bitmask for read and write flags


#define FS_O_RDWR   (FS_O_READ | FS_O_WRITE)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Open for read-write flag combination


#define FS_O_READ   0x01

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Open for read flag


#define FS_O_WRITE   0x02

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Open for write flag


#define FS_SEEK_CUR   1

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Seek from a current position


#define FS_SEEK_END   2

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Seek from the end of file


#define FS_SEEK_SET   0

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Seek from the beginning of file


#define FSTAB_ENTRY_DT_MOUNT_FLAGS (   node_id)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

((DT_PROP(node_id, automount) ? FS_MOUNT_FLAG_AUTOMOUNT : 0) \
| (DT_PROP(node_id, read_only) ? FS_MOUNT_FLAG_READ_ONLY : 0) \
| (DT_PROP(node_id, no_format) ? FS_MOUNT_FLAG_NO_FORMAT : 0))
#define DT_PROP(node_id, prop)
Get a devicetree property value.
Definition: devicetree.h:531
Definition: fs.h:60
Definition: fs.h:62
Definition: fs.h:68

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Enumeration to uniquely identify file system types.

Zephyr supports in-tree file systems and external ones. Each requires a unique identifier used to register the file system implementation and to associate a mount point with the file system type. This anonymous enum defines global identifiers for the in-tree file systems.

External file systems should be registered using unique identifiers starting at FS_TYPE_EXTERNAL_BASE. It is the responsibility of applications that use external file systems to ensure that these identifiers are unique if multiple file system implementations are used by the application.


Identifier for in-tree FatFS file system.


Identifier for in-tree LittleFS file system.


Base identifier for external file systems.

◆ fs_dir_entry_type

#include <include/fs/fs.h>


Identifier for file entry


Identifier for directory entry

Function Documentation

◆ fs_close()

int fs_close ( struct fs_file_t zfp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Close file.

Flushes the associated stream and closes the file.

zfpPointer to the file object
Return values
0on success;
<0a negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_closedir()

int fs_closedir ( struct fs_dir_t zdp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Directory close.

Closes an open directory.

zdpPointer to the directory object
Return values
0on success;
<0a negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_dir_t_init()

static void fs_dir_t_init ( struct fs_dir_t zdp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Initialize fs_dir_t object.

Initializes the fs_dir_t object; the function needs to be invoked on object before first use with fs_opendir.

zdpPointer to file object

◆ fs_file_t_init()

static void fs_file_t_init ( struct fs_file_t zfp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Initialize fs_file_t object.

Initializes the fs_file_t object; the function needs to be invoked on object before first use with fs_open.

zfpPointer to file object

◆ fs_mkdir()

int fs_mkdir ( const char *  path)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Directory create.

Creates a new directory using specified path.

pathPath to the directory to create
Return values
0on success;
-ENOTSUPwhen not implemented by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error

◆ fs_mount()

int fs_mount ( struct fs_mount_t mp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Mount filesystem.

Perform steps needed for mounting a file system like calling the file system specific mount function and adding the mount point to mounted file system list.

Current implementation of ELM FAT driver allows only following mount points: "/RAM:","/NAND:","/CF:","/SD:","/SD2:","/USB:","/USB2:","/USB3:" or mount points that consist of single digit, e.g: "/0:", "/1:" and so forth.
mpPointer to the fs_mount_t structure. Referenced object is not changed if the mount operation failed. A reference is captured in the fs infrastructure if the mount operation succeeds, and the application must not mutate the structure contents until fs_unmount is successfully invoked on the same pointer.
Return values
0on success;
-ENOENTwhen file system type has not been registered;
-ENOTSUPwhen not supported by underlying file system driver;
-EROFSif system requires formatting but FS_MOUNT_FLAG_READ_ONLY has been set;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_open()

int fs_open ( struct fs_file_t zfp,
const char *  file_name,
fs_mode_t  flags 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Open or create file.

Opens or possibly creates a file and associates a stream with it.

flags can be 0 or a binary combination of one or more of the following identifiers:

  • FS_O_READ open for read
  • FS_O_WRITE open for write
  • FS_O_RDWR open for read/write (FS_O_READ | FS_O_WRITE)
  • FS_O_CREATE create file if it does not exist
  • FS_O_APPEND move to end of file before each write

If flags are set to 0 the function will attempt to open an existing file with no read/write access; this may be used to e.g. check if the file exists.

zfpPointer to a file object
file_nameThe name of a file to open
flagsThe mode flags
Return values
0on success;
-EINVALwhen a bad file name is given;
-EROFSwhen opening read-only file for write, or attempting to create a file on a system that has been mounted with the FS_MOUNT_FLAG_READ_ONLY flag;
-ENOENTwhen the file path is not possible (bad mount point);
<0an other negative errno code, depending on a file system back-end.

◆ fs_opendir()

int fs_opendir ( struct fs_dir_t zdp,
const char *  path 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Directory open.

Opens an existing directory specified by the path.

zdpPointer to the directory object
pathPath to the directory to open
Return values
0on success;
<0a negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_read()

ssize_t fs_read ( struct fs_file_t zfp,
void ptr,
size_t  size 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Read file.

Reads up to size bytes of data to ptr pointed buffer, returns number of bytes read. A returned value may be lower than size if there were fewer bytes available than requested.

zfpPointer to the file object
ptrPointer to the data buffer
sizeNumber of bytes to be read
Return values
>=0a number of bytes read, on success;
<0a negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_readdir()

int fs_readdir ( struct fs_dir_t zdp,
struct fs_dirent entry 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Directory read entry.

Reads directory entries of an open directory. In end-of-dir condition, the function will return 0 and set the entry->name[0] to 0.

: Most existing underlying file systems do not generate POSIX special directory entries "." or "..". For consistency the abstraction layer will remove these from lower layer results so higher layers see consistent results.
zdpPointer to the directory object
entryPointer to zfs_dirent structure to read the entry into
Return values
0on success or end-of-dir;;
<0a negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_readmount()

int fs_readmount ( int *  index,
const char **  name 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Get path of mount point at index.

This function iterates through the list of mount points and returns the directory name of the mount point at the given index. On success index is incremented and name is set to the mount directory name. If a mount point with the given index does not exist, name will be set to NULL.

indexPointer to mount point index
namePointer to pointer to path name
Return values
0on success;
-ENOENTif there is no mount point with given index.

◆ fs_register()

int fs_register ( int  type,
const struct fs_file_system_t fs 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Register a file system.

Register file system with virtual file system.

typeType of file system (ex: FS_FATFS)
fsPointer to File system
Return values
0on success;
<0negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_rename()

int fs_rename ( const char *  from,
const char *  to 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Rename file or directory.

Performs a rename and / or move of the specified source path to the specified destination. The source path can refer to either a file or a directory. All intermediate directories in the destination path must already exist. If the source path refers to a file, the destination path must contain a full filename path, rather than just the new parent directory. If an object already exists at the specified destination path, this function causes it to be unlinked prior to the rename (i.e., the destination gets clobbered).

Current implementation does not allow moving files between mount points.
fromThe source path
toThe destination path
Return values
0on success;
-ENOTSUPwhen not implemented by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_seek()

int fs_seek ( struct fs_file_t zfp,
off_t  offset,
int  whence 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Seek file.

Moves the file position to a new location in the file. The offset is added to file position based on the whence parameter.

zfpPointer to the file object
offsetRelative location to move the file pointer to
whenceRelative location from where offset is to be calculated.
  • FS_SEEK_SET for the beginning of the file;
  • FS_SEEK_CUR for the current position;
  • FS_SEEK_END for the end of the file.
Return values
0on success;
-ENOTSUPif not supported by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_stat()

int fs_stat ( const char *  path,
struct fs_dirent entry 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

File or directory status.

Checks the status of a file or directory specified by the path.

The file on a storage device may not be updated until it is closed.
pathPath to the file or directory
entryPointer to the zfs_dirent structure to fill if the file or directory exists.
Return values
0on success;
<0negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_statvfs()

int fs_statvfs ( const char *  path,
struct fs_statvfs stat 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Retrieves statistics of the file system volume.

Returns the total and available space in the file system volume.

pathPath to the mounted directory
statPointer to the zfs_statvfs structure to receive the fs statistics
Return values
0on success;
-ENOTSUPwhen not implemented by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_sync()

int fs_sync ( struct fs_file_t zfp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Flush cached write data buffers of an open file.

The function flushes the cache of an open file; it can be invoked to ensure data gets written to the storage media immediately, e.g. to avoid data loss in case if power is removed unexpectedly.

Closing a file will cause caches to be flushed correctly so the function need not be called when the file is being closed.
zfpPointer to the file object
Return values
0on success;
<0a negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_tell()

off_t fs_tell ( struct fs_file_t zfp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Get current file position.

Retrieves and returns the current position in the file stream.

zfpPointer to the file object
Return values
>=0 a current position in file;
-ENOTSUPif not supported by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

The current revision does not validate the file object.

◆ fs_truncate()

int fs_truncate ( struct fs_file_t zfp,
off_t  length 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Truncate or extend an open file to a given size.

Truncates the file to the new length if it is shorter than the current size of the file. Expands the file if the new length is greater than the current size of the file. The expanded region would be filled with zeroes.

In the case of expansion, if the volume got full during the expansion process, the function will expand to the maximum possible length and return success. Caller should check if the expanded size matches the requested length.
zfpPointer to the file object
lengthNew size of the file in bytes
Return values
0on success;
-ENOTSUPwhen not implemented by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_unlink()

int fs_unlink ( const char *  path)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Unlink file.

Deletes the specified file or directory

pathPath to the file or directory to delete
Return values
0on success;
-EROFSif file is read-only, or when file system has been mounted with the FS_MOUNT_FLAG_READ_ONLY flag;
-ENOTSUPwhen not implemented by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_unmount()

int fs_unmount ( struct fs_mount_t mp)

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Unmount filesystem.

Perform steps needed to unmount a file system like calling the file system specific unmount function and removing the mount point from mounted file system list.

mpPointer to the fs_mount_t structure
Return values
0on success;
-EINVALif no system has been mounted at given mount point;
-ENOTSUPwhen not supported by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_unregister()

int fs_unregister ( int  type,
const struct fs_file_system_t fs 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Unregister a file system.

Unregister file system from virtual file system.

typeType of file system (ex: FS_FATFS)
fsPointer to File system
Return values
0on success;
<0negative errno code on error.

◆ fs_write()

ssize_t fs_write ( struct fs_file_t zfp,
const void ptr,
size_t  size 

#include <include/fs/fs.h>

Write file.

Attempts to write size number of bytes to the specified file. If a negative value is returned from the function, the file pointer has not been advanced. If the function returns a non-negative number that is lower than size, the global errno variable should be checked for an error code, as the device may have no free space for data.

zfpPointer to the file object
ptrPointer to the data buffer
sizeNumber of bytes to be written
Return values
>=0a number of bytes written, on success;
-ENOTSUPwhen not implemented by underlying file system driver;
<0an other negative errno code on error.