Zephyr API Documentation  2.7.0-rc2
A Scalable Open Source RTOS

Flash Circular internal. More...


int fcb_flash_read (const struct fcb *fcb, const struct flash_sector *sector, off_t off, void *dst, size_t len)
int fcb_flash_write (const struct fcb *fcb, const struct flash_sector *sector, off_t off, const void *src, size_t len)

Detailed Description

Flash Circular internal.

Function Documentation

◆ fcb_flash_read()

int fcb_flash_read ( const struct fcb fcb,
const struct flash_sector sector,
off_t  off,
void dst,
size_t  len 

#include <include/fs/fcb.h>

Read raw data from the fcb flash sector.

[in]fcbFCB instance structure.
[in]sectorFCB sector.
[in]offRead offset form sector begin.
[out]dstDestination buffer.
[in]lenRead-out size.
0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

◆ fcb_flash_write()

int fcb_flash_write ( const struct fcb fcb,
const struct flash_sector sector,
off_t  off,
const void src,
size_t  len 

#include <include/fs/fcb.h>

Write raw data to the fcb flash sector.

[in]fcbFCB instance structure.
[in]sectorFCB sector.
[in]offWrite offset form sector begin.
[out]srcSource buffer.
[in]lenRead-out size.
0 on success, negative errno code on fail.